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Study Overview

What is a Livability Study?

Livability study areas include several DC neighborhoods and are conducted with a system-wide perspective in mind. Livability studies seek to calm traffic and recommend improvements. Recommendations for intersections and streets are developed to provide solutions that do not shift the problem to adjacent blocks or intersections. Livability studies include robust public outreach with the goal to ensure residents support each recommendation. Each livability study is informed by the unique needs of the neighborhoods that make up the study area, and the approach of each study is shaped by these needs. 

The Study Area

The study area is defined by Rock Creek and the Maryland border to the West, Eastern Avenue the North, New Hampshire Avenue NE and the Red Line Metrorail tracks to the East, and Military Road NW, Missouri Avenue NW, and Riggs Road NE to the South. 

Study Goals & Objectives:

The overarching goal of the Rock Creek East I Livability Study is to identify opportunities for safer travel for residents of and visitors to the study area, and to improve the transportation network, regardless of how you get around.


The primary objectives are as follows:

  • Develop a neighborhood-wide comprehensive approach for the implementation of traffic calming and operational improvements if warranted.

  • Identify specific issues that impact safety and comfort of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, motorists, and freight deliveries.

  • Design cost-effective and measurable system improvements that benefit all users.

  • Reduce vehicle speeds where problems have been measured or observed.

  • Identify and evaluate safety and access issues and solutions around public facilities such as: schools, parks, recreational centers, and other key community facilities.

  • Create design solutions that will enhance comfort and livability for residents and visitors to the project area.

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